Youth Red Cross is part of the International Red Cross Organization meant for Humanitarian Services, established in 1863 by Jean Henry Dunant. Its headquarters is in Geneva, Switzerland. It is a non-religious, non-political and non-sectarian International body. Youth Red Cross is a Platform where youth can exhibit their Talent, Skills, Knowledge, Ability towards the welfare of the people. The Motto of Youth Red Cross is "to Serve." The Society's mission is providing relief in time of disaster / emergencies and promoting health and taking care of the Vulnerable People. The vision of the YRC is to inculcate leadership in the youth of our country. To ensure the understanding and acceptance & civic and human responsibilities. Red Cross Volunteers work to deliver vital services from providing relief and support to those in crisis, to help families and communities to prepare for emergencies.

YRC Co-Ordinator:
  • Dr. N. Gunasegari , M.Com, M.Phil. Ph.D.,
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Commerce