A Computer Literacy Programme was initiated by the Government of Tamil Nadu in all Government Colleges to enrich all Undergraduate- Non-Computer Science Students from the year 2000-2001. CLP will have a separate lab with 25 computers and other necessary equipment for this certificate course-through this program, We aim to impart basic computer operation skills and digital literacy to rural Children & Youth. They cover Computer Basics, Internet, Email, Microsoft office, file handling and online tools. After this course an examination will be conducted by the government and certificate will be issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu. Government of Arts & Science College, Vanur, Villupuram District Offers Computer Literacy Programme for the Non- Computer Science Undergraduate Students with in the campus since 2020.

CLP Co-Ordinator
  • Dr. R. Manavalan , M.Sc, M.C.A., M.Phil, Ph.D.
  • Assistant Professor
  • Department of Computer Science
CLP Instructors
  • Mr. J. Arokianathan , M.Sc., M.Phil.,
  • Mrs. V.Guru Archana , MCA, M.Phil.,